Preparing the sample for determination of Viability save_alt Download File

The EASYCOUNTER YC-1 counts individual cells in suspension by detecting fluorescence signals of stained DNA in the cell nuclei. The staining dye used is SOFIA GREEN. The cell membrane of viable cells is virtually impermeable with regard to SOFIA GREEN, while membrane of non-viable, dead cells is permeable to SOFIA GREEN. The determination of the total concentration of cells requires that the membrane of viable cells is made permeable to SOFIA GREEN. This is achieved by mixing cell suspension with Lysis reagent. After Lysis reagent treatment (10 min), approximately 8 µl of the all cell stained with YO-DEDM 1 and 8 µl of the only dead cells stained with YO-DEDM 1 were loaded into the CELLCHIP. The CELLCHIP is placed in the EASYCOUNTER YC instrument where the cells are automatically enumerated.

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